Another tough journey for Golden C N
Golden C N – co-owned Thomas Lind-Holm – was the favourit in “Grand Circle 4-års Hoppechampionat” friday night at Skive Trav, but she didn’t have much racingluck.
After a good start Flemming Jensen made his attack in the third position and after 600 meter (500 meters in 1.11) Golden C N came up to the leader.
From this position it was too tough for Golden C N, who finished 9th (500 DKK) in 1.16,3a/2060 meter.
Watch the race: CLICK HERE
Targaryan started in a race for 3-yo fillies, where she also got the same position as first on the outside, which later became second on the outside.
500 meters in 1.15 and 1.16,0/1000 meter.
She tried to catch up, but finished 7th (500 DKK) in 1.15,8a/2060 meter.
Watch the race: CLICK HERE
Finally 2-yo Nouchka di Quattro was in a “routinerace” in 1.24,7/2060 meter after 1.17,5 the last 500 meter.
Photo of Golden C N by Burt Seeger