Golden C N superior in “Dansk Hoppe Derby”!

A wonderful day at Charlottenlund Racetrack! 

Today Golden C N – co-owned with Thomas Lind-Holm – won the biggest race for the 4-yo fillies in Denmark, “Dansk Hoppe Derby” after an amazing performance.

I’m very impressed by Flemming Jensen, who has managed to improve Golden C N that great in such a short time.

It was deeply impressive the way she trottet the last 5-600 meters and was totally superior in 1.16,1a/2000 meter.

Now it’s time to celebrate the firstprize of 354.000 DKK and then we’ll be looking forward to the next great races for the 4-yo fillies.

Watch the race: CLICK HERE

GOLDEN C N med Flemming Jensen 8. løbs vinder af Dansk Hoppe Derby 2022, på Charlottenlund d. 2022.08-27.
Photo: Burt Seeger.