Our 2-yo positive in training
We have two 2-year old horses with the danish trainer Ole G. Nielsen in Skive – French Omelette (se)(Nuncio) and Nouchka di Quattro (se)(Maharajah) – and currently they’re jogging 1.35/2000 meter very easily, but we’re not pushing them.
Our philosophy for starting a horse as a 2-yo, is not to loose value on a longer basis by starting – but on the other hand, not to loose value by starting.
No matter why, the horse will not be jogging faster than 1.30-35 for another couple of weeks; then we’ll deside whether the plan should be to take them to a qualifier and start racing this year – or to wait until next year.
We have had a third 2-yo with Ole G. Nielsen, Surpreme (se), but have desided to take her out of training and she has been bred to Father Patrick.
Photo of Noucka di Quattro